Sunday, August 20, 2006 @11:25 PM
When the tide goes down
and colours run fading
The sky turns dark
as dusk sets in
When it doesn't mean anymore
to be affiliated
And people pass
Lives going on
Faces with masks
A facade of smiles
Pretense in the air
What does it mean?
To be adjourned
To be stalled away
Deep in the closet where nobody knows
Yet as the days go by
And you think you can
You break down and cry
and your mask drops down
How is it that you thought that way
At that instant
When feelings were locked up
and tears sucked back
How is it that the world could go on
With the tv shows and acts casting along
Embellished and glamorized
Only to find that it is all skin deep
Had we been too naive
To believe
That all would come true
And compliacted things like these never existed
No, hold firm to your belief
Never let go
Even if you lose some
and the race seems impossible
Hang on there
For when it is dark
His light will shine
In the midst of night
The star twinkles
From the inside out
Never ending
I love you God.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @9:24 PM